Today's times call for broadcasting skills and media savvy. Last week I attended a media training class given by Shawne Duperon. As a life long learner, I always look for ways to upgrade my skills and thought I'd share some media tips from Shawne's wonderful class.
New perceptions can alter your destiny.
Gossip is word of mouth. Only 5-7% of gossip is mean. (Shawne is a gossip expert).
Increased knowledge=decreased fear.
Move from expert to authority and miracles happen.
If you're nervous on the phone, you'll be nervous on camera.
Media sets the agenda.
90% of what makes it on TV is pitched. News is passive. The same people pitch the same stupid stories.
Be comfortable with being uncomfortable.
Words are energy. Questions hook the brain.
Don't break the cycle of reciprocity.
The average sound bite is 12-15 seconds.
How you do anything is how you do everything.
It doesn't matter what you say; it's what you're being.
67% of the population have a TV on at all times.
Step into the energy of a crisis.
Create relationships now so when a crisis hits reporters will help you out.
Always look at the reporter.
Reporters may ask the same question 3 times to help you get the best sound bite.
Learn how to smile exquisitely.
Meet them where they are and take them where you want them to go.