video presentations

Public Speaking Challenge: Can You Give A Speech In 6 Seconds?

Curtain and MicWhat if this happened to you? You prepare a presentation, and then the public speaker before you uses up all the time. What if you only had 6 seconds? Would you give a presentation or would you pick up your marbles and go home? The public speaking game has changed.The digital age requires speed, brevity, and clarity. Public speakers are competing with technology. Your presentation has to be more compelling than their texts. Audience attention spans are shrinking. They're expecting 18 minute TED talks. Presentations are getting shorter and shorter, especially video presentations.

So as a public speaker, how do you present value in less time?

It's important to get to the point quickly. It's harder to give a speech in 10 minutes than in one hour. Less time requires more focus.

This month, the National Speaker's Association has their annual convention. The theme is Influence 2015. All professional speakers were challenged to submit a 6 second presentation. As a seasoned public speaker, the shortest video presentation I've given is 1 minute. So I decided to take the public speaking challenge!

Here is my 6 second presentation:

So now I'm challenging you to send me a video of your 6 second presentation. Submit the link to your video in the comments below. I'll be timing you!


How to Get Your Message Heard

The Chinese proverb says a picture is worth a thousand words. IMAGINE how many words a video is worth. video cameraFor years I've been saying that speakers will need broadcasting skills. Well, the future is now. Recently, I was asked to do a live stream webinar to sales teams across the country. I've also been coaching a senior executive on her internal quarterly webcasts. And I predict there will be more requests for employees and entrepreneurs to do video presentations.

Video is a powerful medium for getting your message across.

Video use is skyrocketing.

  • YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google.
  • Close to 80% of people watch online videos at least once a week. (
  • Videos in emails can double the rate of response. (
  • Videos are shared 12x more than links and text combined. (
  • Online video viewing increased by 38% between May 2011 and May 2012. (Comscore)

So we know video works. But it can work against you if you don't know how to present on camera. Here's how to get your ideas across on video:

  • Keep it Brief. Don't put your entire presentation on video. Edit and display video segments.
  • Speak in sound bites. It will make the editing process easier. Sound bites are memorable.
  • Make an eye connection. If you are broadcasting to a remote audience, look directly at the camera. Your viewer should feel as if you're talking just to them. Have a conversation. If you are videotaping your presentation, look at your live audience.
  • Light it up. You can buy a special lamp for your desk that will provide softer lighting and make you look more professional. (Harsh lighting can make you look ghastly.)
  • Use a microphone. You can purchase inexpensive clip-on mics which amplify your voice and cut down on background noise.
  • Content matters. Provide value for your listeners. If your content is compelling, they will want to hear what you say. Speak in terms of their self-interests.
  • Let video tell your story. Video provides a consistent message to a wider audience.
Whether you're communicating virtually, selling a service or product, or giving internal webcasts, when video is done well, it is one of the best ways to get your message heard.

Do You Feel Like A Turkey When You're Presenting?

2013 TURKEY 2Don't let your head be on the chopping block. Keep abreast of these three public speaking trends and your audience will gobble up your ideas.

  1. Storytelling continues to be a valued and powerful speaking technique. Leaders will feel the need to become storytellers. Sales professionals will have to let go of their PowerPoint decks and tell the customer’s story.
  2. Video presentations are exploding. Youtube is the number 2 search engine after google. Video conferencing and remote coaching are growing in popularity due to the virtual workplace. I find that I'm doing more virtual coaching these days. Technology makes it easy. A job applicant will make a more memorable impression with a video resume.
  3. Audiences care about their own self interests. Attention spans are getting shorter and tolerance for fluff is dwindling. Effective public speakers make the message about the audience. Remember WIIFM: What’s in it for me?

FACT: This Thanksgiving, I'm grateful to have the privilege of the platform and the opportunity to serve my clients.

Do It Yourself Marketing - Create Your Own Video Ad

June is "DIY" (Do It Yourself) Marketing Month. I've said it before and I'll say it again - today more than ever, your success depends on your ability to communicate your value to the market. There are many ways you can do this, and one of them is through online video marketing. A smart, crisp brand will help your products and services stand out from the crowd. Promoting your brand doesn't have to be expensive. Here is a free tool you can use to create a 30 second ad: Don't forget to create your own YouTube channel. YouTube is a high visibility, cost-effective marketing approach.

Here's the video I created for my book, Knockout Presentations: