Inspire Your Audience in Difficult Times

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You enter a room. Maybe you’re about to take the stage. Or you may be a manager or leader about to address your team. All you know is the audience is challenged, feeling defeated and they’re looking to you for the answers Especially in a virtual world, people feel disconnected. You may be feeling anxious, wondering what you’re going to say.

As the speaker or presenter, no matter what the situation, it’s your job to lead. How do you inspire an audience in difficult times? Many sports coaches have brought their teams back from defeat and motivated them with a victory speech.

Here are some guidelines to inspire an audience.

Start with your mindset. You can’t motivate others if you don’t believe in the mission. The first sale is always to yourself. So program your mind first with a clear intention, and affirm it out loud. Energize yourself with exercise, music or whatever will pump you up.

Talk from the heart, People respond to emotion rather than logic. So be real, Show vulnerability and tell your story. Motivate with energy and positive emotions such as sacrifice, achievement, pride.

Acknowledge the reality. Don’t deny the truth. If times are difficult or there has been a defeat, don’t sugar coat or dismiss it. The audience will listen and hear your message if you tell the truth and show that you understand their plight.

Offer hope. Don’t dwell on the negative or current situation. Move them quickly to a vision they can all share and embrace. Show them that success is possible and they have the power to create a bright future by how they think. Give them the tools.

Challenge them. Make a request and be specific about what you want them to do, or believe. People are not inspired by the mundane so urge them to sacrifice, exceed their limits, extend their creativity. Knute Rockne, coach for the US Notre Dame football team, after his player, George Gipp was dying, told the team to “Win one for the Gipper.” Motivational speaker Les Brown says, “You’ve got to be hungry.”

Leaders and speakers can’t control circumstances. Difficult times will occur. What they can do is to control how they respond. To successfully motivate an audience, first motivate yourself, assess the situation, and realize that everything is temporary. Success happens in the mind. Touch the hearts and minds of the audience with your words and stories. Show them you care. And you’ll inspire an audience in difficult times.

My presentations, training and coaching are available virtually. It’s easy to find me to discuss your needs. Email DM me at twitter @speakingpro. Or call: 917 803-8663