Press release: Speaking Expert, Diane DiResta Awarded Certified Virtual Presenter Designation.

NEW YORK, NY -- (June 4, 2020) -- Diane DiResta has been certified as a virtual presenter.


As the meetings industry and companies have begun working remotely, presentations and conferences have become virtual. Meeting planners want a way to identify professional speakers who can master the virtual platform.

The Certified Virtual Presenter is a new designation offered by eSpeakers.  As the Internet became the way we all do business, eSpeakers provided for another need in the industry: a way for event organizers to easily find the perfect speaker, among thousands, for each audience they are responsible for. Several years later, thousands of successful speakers, trainers and coaches use eSpeakers to build their businesses and manage their calendars. 

 eSpeakers is the premiere spot for event planners, associations, speakers bureaus and organizations who are in search of a professional speaker.

The certification evaluates the speaker’s environment, equipment, and skills. When the speaker displays the Certified Virtual Presenter badge, it tells the world that they can expect a high quality remote experience with you, free from technical issues and with an easy-to-see and easy-to-hear presenter. eSpeakers evaluators tend to focus on specific details so that a high standard  is upheld and is consistent for everyone. Presenters are assessed on their internet connection, audio quality, microphones, lighting, backdrop, screen staging and presence, eye contact, interaction, and presentation skills.


DiResta is the Founder of DiResta Communications, Inc, a New York City communication skills consultancy serving business leaders who give high stakes presentations, whether one-on-one, to a large audience, or from an electronic platform. She's the author of the amazon best selling book, Knockout Presentations. .

Tagged: virtual presentationscertificationvirtual speaker

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