To Be Memorable And Remembered, Be the First

When speakers ask me how they can be memorable, I often give them several tips and oratorical devices to enhance their business presentations. Having a memorable speech is temporary. They may remember a point, an analogy, a principle but they may not remember you.

To be truly remembered, be the first. You'll know you've made your mark when others start to model or copy YOU. I wrote my first book, Knockout Presentations:How to Deliver Your Message with Power, Punch, and Pizzazz several years ago. It has continued to be a popular seller on

I was the FIRST to claim that title. Today, I'm happy to say that Harvard University Press is copying me. Here is their new digital book:

The Knockout Presentation: A Timeless Tool of Persuasion [DOWNLOAD: PDF] (Digital)
by Harvard Business School Press (Author)