Executives need broadcasting skills. I've been saying it for years. Media training is critical these days for everybody but especially for executives who are the face of the organization and who lead global businesses. Public speaking and media skills apply to public service announcements, internal video commercials and now company webcasts are using video. Speaking before a camera is different from speaking live in a town hall format.
So here are some quick speaking and media training tips to keep in mind when your presentation is being filmed.
- Keep your energy high. Television can be an energy drain. Speak with enthusiasm.
- Smile. It's important to show teeth. Otherwise, you'll look too serious or scared.
- Use make-up. This applies to men and women. Bright lights can cause perspiration so have some pressed powder handy. Don't use lotions under your make-up. It will create a shiny finish.
- Avoid metallic or shiny materials which can cause glare.
- Ask about the backdrop color. Don't wear black if the background is black. You'll look like a mime. Never wear kelly green or shiny, bold patterns that can cause shimmer called moire.
- Anchor yourself. Even a slight bounce will be exaggerated on camera.
- Look directly into the camera and not at individuals. The director or camera person will take the necessary audience shots.
- Use fewer and smaller gestures.
- Speak in soundbites. Television is a fast medium. Think of commercials and movie trailers-quick, short, compelling.
- Rehearse your presentation several times. If it's a live broadcast and you make a mistake, keep going.
- Don't say anything more until you're told you're off the air. It's not over 'til it's over.
Video is the hottest marketing tool and in-house video webcasts will become the norm for executive speaking. Get media trained. It's time for your close-up.