Presenting at Tradeshows: Lessons Learned at the NY XPO

Yesterday I presented at the NYXPO, one of the largest small business tradeshows in New York. It was my third time speaking and my second time having a tradeshow booth. My presentation, Speak Powerfully, Sell More gave small business owners tips on how to leverage speaking as a marketing strategy. I shared with the them that networking and speaking showcases were my two strongest marketing approaches.

At the booth, many lessons were learned from last year. My goal was to sell my book, Knockout Presentations, and to obtain leads for my Sendout Cards business. Here's what we now know works when presenting at tradeshows:

1. Be fully staffed. We had five people available although not at the same time. This allowed us to handle traffic and provide breaks for staffers.

2. Provide training. Exhibitors  need to know how to dress and must be well versed about the product or subject.

3. Recognize that a tradeshow exhibit is a presentation. Do not chew gum or eat in the booth. Stand and greet people with a smile. Listen more than you speak and ask questions.

4. Learn traffic patterns. We realized that the morning is slow. Traffic picked up right after I spoke and after lunch was the busiest time.

5. Do not pack up early. We signed up a couple of new people 10 minutes before closing time.

6. Provide  a demo. The three minute video was the best sales tool. Most people are visual and professional videos keep the message focused and consistent.

7. Bring  a wifi card or a phone that uses tether technology. The Javits Center is New York City is highly unionized and you must pay for everything including electricity.

Andrea, Erick, Diane and Kelly at the booth

8. Display samples. People were attracted to the cards and could feel the quality and see the variety. Selling my book  rather than using an order form allowed buyers to browse through the chapters. The touch and feel of a product is important.

9. Bring clipboards, envelopes for business cards, plenty of pens and anything else to help you organize your leads and materials.

10. Sell beyond the booth. Invite people to visit you after your seminar. Promote the booth to your list before the event.  Hand out flyers to other exhibitors. Follow up with leads in 24 hours.

11. Keep the booth simple, uncluttered and attractive. The floor length banner was easy to assemble and drew people into the booth. Put baggage under the table, behind the curtain.

12. Have a time limited offer. When people signed up at the booth they received a free gift. We learned from last year that most visitors are looking for freebies. Last year we offered a gift if they watched the demo. When we followed up they were no where to be found. This was our most important lesson. You must qualify your leads.

13. Wear comfortable shoes. There aren't a lot of chairs on the convention floor and you'll be busy working the crowd.

(I'm conducting business with my feet up today!)

The Media Speaking Tip That Joe Walsh Missed

How many times do I have to say it? No caffeine before a presentation! Illinois Congressman, Joe Walsh, proved my point when he had a meltdown during a recent meeting with his constituents. He yelled at the crowd and told one woman he didn't care if her government job was cut. He later acknowledged that he was a "bit too passionate" with his constituents.

I say on page 78 of my book Knockout Presentations that coffee will make you more jittery. Don't drink coffee before a presentation. Politicians spend so much money on media training and yet in this case, Joe would have been better served by a nutritionist.

It's surprising how few speakers know how foods and chemicals can affect their performance.  We've all seen the impact of drinking alcohol before a presentation.  Stay away from sugary, heavy foods and if you must have coffee, switch to decaf. In Joe's case, make that herbal tea. Maybe I should send a free copy of Knockout Presentations to the 2012 candidates.

The Speaking Secret of Inspirational Leaders

November is Inspirational Role Models MonthHave you ever wondered why some leaders are more inspirational than others? Here's the secret. They speak from the inside out. Where most leaders speak about the WHAT and the HOW, leaders who inspire audiences with their message do one thing differently. They speak about the WHY. Steve JobsAn example of this is Steve Jobs of Apple.  His mantra was "Everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo." It's his WHY for his company. That's why he inspired a strong cult-like following. His customers are more than buyers. They are believers who want to "think different".

Martin Luther King, Jr SpeaksMartin Luther King wasn't the only leader who believed in civil rights yet he was the one who inspired a national march on Washington. He spoke from his WHY. He didn't talk about facts. He said, "I believe. I have a dream." It became a movement that went beyond the African-American community. It was a universal cause that people could believe in.

Rick Warren, author of The Purpose Driven Life, surprised the media with the overwhelming success of his book. His belief that "God Has a Plan for You," tapped into a deep, emotional need regardless of religious orientation. It's a message that is bigger than the individual and people connected emotionally.

We now know the neurological reason these speakers are able to inspire.  When a speaker talks about the WHAT and the HOW, the message appeals to the neocortex of the brain. This is the center of rational thought. People are not generally moved to action by facts and figures.

When you talk from your WHY, you speak directly to the limbic brain. The limbic brain appeals to trust, loyalty, and emotion. People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it.

So, what is your WHY? Why do you do what you do? What do you believe? Think about those leaders who inspire others, whether it's one-on-one or to a large audience.  Who are your inspirational role models?


Click to read BusinessWeek's article: 10 Attributes of Leaders Who Inspire

Speaking in Public: Something to Chew On

Christine Quinn, New York City councilwoman, was caught on TV chewing gum while she was standing behind the mayor. When it was her turn to present,  she folded the gum in her cheek. Yuck! Not a pretty sight and not very  professional.  And this from someone who wants to be the next mayor of New York City. It certainly diluted her image. Gum chewing will quickly destroy the executive presence of any leader.

Before Kate Middleton married Prince William, her family was invited to a major event where the Queen was present. When the camera moved in for a close up, Kate's mother was seen chewing gum. It didn't matter that it was for reducing cigarette craving . It was perceived as insulting and low class.

When giving a presentation, never chew gum. It may seem like a little thing but it's not. And little things make a great impact. A good rule of thumb is to carry hard candy instead of gum.  In most social situations, gum chewing is not polite, it's disrespectful, and certainly a distraction to the listeners.  It competes with your message. The audience will remember the behavior over the words. When viewers saw the Christine Quinn video, they laughed. This is not the image you want as a public speaker unless you're a humorist. If you get caught masticating,  it helps to have a good recovery strategy like Christine Quinn's publicist.

The response was “Yesterday, Chris Quinn announced the creation of 682 affordable apartments and 2,900 construction jobs — now that’s something to chew on.

Are Your Presentation Titles Provocative Enough?

The other night I gave a presentation on the topic of communication for a women's diversity group. My topic was Creating Confidence: Ten Ways Women Sabotage Communication in the Workplace.  Within 20 minutes of sending out the first announcement 60 people signed up. A few hours later there were 100 registrants. And the final number was 300 women. The room capacity was limited to 90 people so they had to close registration. Obviously, this topic hit a nerve. There was company-wide interest. And then I received a call that there were one or two women who were offended by my title. They thought it was disparaging to women. Two people out of 300 were upset. But it was enough to cause discussion within the committee. I've given this presentation to Skadden Arps, AXA, the NBA, and others. It was always well received. After much back and forth, it was decided that they would change the title on the PowerPoint slide to Creating Confidence: Ten Tips to Maximize Your Communication.

The event attracted a large crowd and the energy was positive and upbeat. The informal comments very positive and even the few men who attended liked my presentation. It was determined that there was nothing negative about my speech. There was even positive buzz the next day.

What did I learn from all this?  When it comes to public speaking, titles sell. If I had led with Ten Tips to Maximize Your Communication I doubt that we would've had that much interest so quickly. Why? Because the word "sabotage" is provocative. It begs the question, How and Why.  It creates curiosity. Yet, in a politically correct world it's becoming easier to offend people. The goal is to attract an audience so that they can hear your message. Here's what I've learned from speaker evaluations-the majority rules.  If nine out of ten people loved the speaker, believe the majority. There will always be people who don't like a speaker or a topic.  Artists provoke us with their paintings and music and change the world.  And public speakers can provoke an audience with their words to reach higher, to think bigger. Fear of rejection shouldn't prevent us from taking a risk, pushing the envelope, and telling the truth as we know it.

So I ask you... Are your presentation titles provocative? Send me your favorites.

The Greatest Present You Can Give Your Audience

I was walking toward the subway and as usual, people were hurrying home. As I continued up the street I saw someone coming toward me. I started moving to the right in order to avert a head on collision. How did I know we would bump into each other? The person approaching me was a young man who was wearing headphones and looking at his cell phone. As he continued to move straight in my direction, he never looked up. He wasn't aware of his surroundings. He wasn't present.How often do speakers focus on what they want to talk about? They report facts and figures without sharing experiences. They talk at people instead of conversing with them. In sales presentations the seller touts the product or service. He brags about their company. Or the presenter gives the same dog and pony show without considering what's important to the audience. I once heard a celebrity speaker tell the audience that he decided to talk about a different topic than was advertised in the promotion. These kinds of speakers become talking heads. They're driven by their own egos. When you focus on content instead of context, you lose the connection. And the audience will disengage.

The best public speakers are truly present. That means eye-to-eye contact, listening, positioning the message in terms of what the audience wants, and helping them to connect the dots to their real world experiences. Jesse Jackson once said to parents, "Your children need your presence not your presents." It's the same with an audience. To be present is to first be connected to yourself. When speakers are comfortable with themselves and talk from the heart, they receive the audience, and then they connect. There is nobody in that moment but the audience. And in that moment they are truly present.

Adapt or Die-What Does This Mean for Your Speaking Business?

I recently saw the movie Moneyball, the story about Billy Beane, the general manager of the Oakland As. He lost his top three players and had no budget with which to compete. He wanted to win badly but it seemed there was no possibility of that happening.They couldn't compete because the team couldn't attract top talent for little money. There was no budget. Period. Billy realized he was asking the wrong question. The question was not "How do we replace the top three players?" The question was "How do we get on base?"Contrary to what his staff believed, the issue was about scoring runs and not about replacing the best players. Billy meets a numbers cruncher and starts to realize that there is another way to approach baseball. Without giving away the entire movie, Billy Beane starts to look for solutions by asking a different question and decides to turn baseball on it's ear. He announces his new strategy-"We're counting cards and we're going to turn the tables on the casino." Amidst intense anger and resistance from his staff, Billy stands tough and says, "Adapt or Die!" What a lesson for the speaking industry. Many speakers who were very successful are now scratching their heads and saying "Who moved my market?" The old strategies aren't working. Yet, like Billy's old cronies, it's easy to keep doing what we know. The highly paid after dinner speaker is a relic. Obsolescence is a reality if we don't quickly adapt to the new market. With fewer meetings and conferences, speakers can still use their talents if they use their skills to solve problems and learn new technologies. It may mean fewer keynotes and more webinars. It may mean adding facilitation and coaching to your repertoire. Or packaging your expertise as internet marketing products and targeting emerging markets. I continue to tell audiences that speaking is the new competitive weapon. The need for outstanding public speaking and presentation skills will only increase as the stakes get higher for winning business. But speakers will need to be more creative and business savvy in the way they approach the market. One thing is certain. The speaking business as we knew has changed. Adapt or Die.

71% of Employers Value Emotional Intelligence over IQ

Whether you're interviewing for a job, asking for a raise, or  angling for a promotion, your success may have less to do with your skills and intelligence. You'll have greater success by building relationships, communicating clearly, and presenting yourself with confidence and conviction. It seems that street smarts and people skills will get you where you want to go. It's also true for entrepreneurs. In his newest book, The Education of Millionaires, Michael Ellsberg talks about entrepreneurs who dropped out of college and bootstrapped their way to success. He tells a story of interviewing an MBA for a part time data entry job for his start-up company. The  job candidate talked theory, tables, and projections. He didn't get it. Michael ended up hiring a woman who was a  high school drop out with a good work ethic. She performed well.  A man I knew who worked for the Navy was promoted over others with more experience because he had good people skills. This is true of speakers. Think of motivational speakers. Why are some of them so powerful on the platform? Because they speak from emotion. Their message goes right to the heart. They understand how to communicate. Consider the excellent presenters you know. What makes them excellent? They may be giving an update, describing a product, or convincing the audience of an idea. I'll bet that they all have one thing in common-high emotional intelligence. They connect person-to-person, eye-to-eye. These public speakers inject humor when appropriate and are always aware of the audience and environment. They mirror their audience and keep pace with their energy-toning it down when the group is overwhelmed and pumping up the volume when their energy wanes.  Public speakers and presenters with high EQ (emotional intelligence quotient) instinctively know it's about the audience- not about them. This is why a  "polished" presenter or subject matter expert  may know all the right content and  mechanics of speaking,  but never connects with the audience.  As it's been said many times,  "They don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care."

For more information on emotional intelligence read this survey from career builder.

Do you agree that EQ is more important than IQ?  What's been your experience?

Steve Jobs-A Visionary, Gamechanger, and Role Model for Public Speakers

Steve Jobs changed the world as we knew it. He also served as a role model for motivational speakers. In 2005, he gave the commencement address at Stanford. Unlike the typical unremarkable and easily forgetable speeches, Steve gave a knockout commencement speech.  Forgoing the usual platitudes, famous quotes, and boring directives, Steve told a heartfelt story about his journey, which turned out to be the classic hero's journey. But he told it in a way that every student could relate to. He  used the 'rule of three' by telling three stories and wrapping them in the theme of " Do What You Love".  So simply put, tell your story, speak to the heart, and remember the rule of three.  Steve Jobs left an indelible mark on the world-as a visionary, a creative genius, an entrepreneur, and a public speaker.  To read the commencement speech click here.

Are You Getting Ripped Off By Speaking Scams?

If you're a professional speaker or aspire to be one, you may soon fall victim to a speaking scam. With fewer meetings, budget cuts, and higher customer expectations, the competition for speaking engagements has increased. As a result, scammers are seizing the opportunity to prey on unsuspecting speakers-especially those new to the industry. Who books speakers? Event planners, corporations, associations, and speakers bureaus hire speakers. An event planner may have a paid or unpaid speaking engagement. But beware of event planners or speakers bureaus who charge you an upfront fee to register with their database. Don't be lured in by exciting video testimonials on their site. I exposed one of these fake testimonials when I  saw the name of someone I coached on her first keynote speech.  Six months later, I saw her picture on a website that claimed to package and promote speakers.  She was quoted as saying that she was making $250,000 per year from working with this company. As a veteran speaker, I know it's highly unlikely that a speaker would go from zero to $250,000 in 6 months.  She wasn't aware of the false testimonial and immediately had them remove it.  By taking a registration fee from every applicant, the company makes money without having to book you.

A legitimate speakers bureau will not ask for money from you. They maintain a data base of clients and propose two or three speakers when they get a request. Once booked, the speakers bureau takes a 25-30% commission from your fee and you receive a check for the rest. The bureau maintains their own sales and marketing costs and the clients belong to them and not to the speaker.  Speakers bureaus have a website with profiles of speakers they represent, they often list their clients, and they are usually members of IASB (International Association of Speakers Bureaus) and may also belong to NSA. When in doubt, check the National Speakers Association ( You can also chat with some of the speaker groups on linkedin to check out legitimate booking agents.  Read a report of a recent speaker scam and don't get caught in their web of deceit.

Speech Habits Guaranteed to Kill the Sale

Yesterday I received another cold call. This time it was from a woman with a strong accent. She talked about free video emails and doing webinars online. As she rattled on she caught my attention because she was talking my language.  She wasn't smooth but I was interested in knowing about this service and how it was different. She started to give me the website. She said "Go to www.voe..."  "Voe?" I echoed.  "No, /w/." she stated.  "Is that www.vow?" I clarified.  "No," she countered. "www.wo....." After going back and forth several times, a man's voice cut in and he said in a clear voice, "Excuse me mam, we have training calls. Let me give you the website." We then went through an online demo.  While we were looking at all the features the man would say, "I know you busy."  When demonstrating the next feature he'd say "I'm a show you.." and when he turned the controls over to me he said he made me the "presentator."

Throughout the conversation he called me Diana instead of Diane.  Although the product was worth researching I was not impressed with his presentation. His poor grammar made him sound uneducated and that raised a red flag. When a seller or any professional uses incorrect grammar, I question their legitimacy. Was this really a bona fide  web conferencing system or some  fly-by-night basement operation? He ended by asking if he could call to follow up. I decided not to take him up on his offer and said I would look at the website on my own.  Will I use this service? I don't know yet. But I do know this. I won't buy it from the telemarketers who contacted me. I don't trust them.

It's fine to have an accent as long as you know how to speak clearly. In this case, the woman should have spelled out the url. / w/ as in william, /o/ as in oprah, etc.

There is definitely an ROI (return on investment) for public speaking skills. I show people how to monetize their mouth. When you speak with clarity and confidence, you inspire trust. And that brings in more business. When you're inarticulate or use the wrong grammar, you create skepticism and distrust.  This is true whether you're cold calling, interviewing for a job, pitching a story to the media, or convincing your boss to give you a raise.  Success requires good speaking and communication skills.  To learn about Six Sloppy Speech Habits, click on the link and watch this youtube video.

For grammar tips visit Grammar Girl

The Worst Presentation Line

The phone rang this morning. It was a telemarketer on the line. He asked, "Are you the owner?" I said "Yes".  "Do you accept credit cards?" was his second question.  Those questions qualify the prospect so they were appropriate to ask.  Then without testing for interest, or asking me about my issues and needs, he said, "I just happen to be in the area..."  He blew it.  I couldn't get the words out fast enough. "No, no, no. No thanks". And I hung up the phone. What area was he talking about? I happened to be working at home so I wasn't in my usual area which is my business office.  Why would I want to meet with him? I think he was selling a merchant account but I don't know. Maybe it was a service to analyze charges.   He gave me no reason to want to meet him. If you're a telemarketer, you don't want to get me on the phone. I'm not the most gracious of  prospects. Cold calling is tough but it's even more difficult in today's times. A cold call is an interruption in someone's day.  Unless you grab their attention immediately, they're going to hang up. Cold calling is a presentation.  His approach was like a speech without an opening. Imagine standing before your audience and saying, "Is everybody here a business owner?" Does everybody use merchant accounts?"  "I'll be in the back setting up demonstrations." You would have a mass exodus. A good presentation begins with a quick hello and introduction and then a grabber or hook.  Public speaking is about communication. And communication is about a relationship between a sender and a receiver.  What message are you sending? Your intention may be positive, but the real meaning of the communication is the effect it has on the receiver.  If you intend to compliment someone and they receive it as an insult, then the insult was the actual message.

In the case of the telemarketer, he needed to change the script. A common mistake in presentations is to memorize lines and deliver them mechanically. The best speakers and presenters connect with the audience and build a relationship of trust. Public speaking is a conversation with the audience whether it's one-on-one, on the telephone, or to a large audience. It's all public speaking.

Media Training Tips You Can Use

Today's times call for broadcasting skills and media savvy. Last week I attended a media training class given by Shawne Duperon. As a life long learner, I always look for ways to upgrade my skills and thought I'd share some media tips from Shawne's wonderful class. New perceptions can alter your destiny.

Gossip is word of mouth. Only 5-7% of gossip is mean. (Shawne is a gossip expert).

Increased knowledge=decreased fear.

Move from expert to authority and miracles happen.

If you're nervous on the phone, you'll be nervous on camera.

Media sets the agenda.

90% of what makes it on TV is pitched. News is passive. The same people pitch the same stupid stories.

Be comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Words are energy.  Questions hook the brain.

Don't break the cycle of reciprocity.

The average sound bite is 12-15 seconds.

How you do anything is how you do everything.

It doesn't matter what you say; it's what you're being.

67% of the population have a TV on at all times.

Step into the energy of a crisis.

Create relationships now so when a crisis hits reporters will help you out.

Always look at the reporter.

Reporters may ask the same question 3 times to help you get the best sound bite.

Learn how to smile exquisitely.

Meet them where they are and take them where you want them to go.

Creative Idea+Social Conscience+Good Story= Knockout Video Presentation

On the way back from a healthcare company where I gave a presentation demo, I heard an interesting interview on the radio. Two entrepreneurial brothers decided that they wanted to do something with toys that would be creative, safe, foster imagination, and make a socio-economic impact in a third world country. I found the story so interesting that when I arrived at my destination, I plugged in I watched the video on the homepage to see what the product was all about. This 3 minute 31 second video starts with a clear purpose statement and introduces the two entrepreneurs who run the company. The video presentation grabs your attention immediately as you see the photo of the two brothers  on the screen. They share the story of their visit to a third world country and how they were inspired to remove children from working in dump sites and place them in school. The voice over continues as video footage of children and the site are projected on the screen. They continue to tell the story with print, illustrations and lots of video scenes.  All of this is set to light music which adds more emotion to the video presentation. It ends with a strong call to action-"Connect to Tegu and together we'll work to change a nation."

My purpose is to identify a knockout video presentation. I have no investment in this product so I am not endorsing it. I don't even have children. But the video presentation was so well done that I wanted to buy their product.  The lesson: Have good content, tell a good story, provide good editing, add music, and keep it brief. You'll have the formula for a persuasive Knockout Video Presentation.

The Cost of Poor Presentation Skills

The other day I stopped in at my local furrier. I had a wool coat with fur trim which I love but the lining was ripped.  Since Fall is coming, I thought I should replace the lining before the cold weather arrives. The manager was sitting at his desk and buzzed me into the store. Years ago I had bought a coat there and thought they might offer this service. After a brief hello, and with coat in hand, I asked him if he could put in a new lining. He wasn't sure. He said, "The person who does this won't be in until Monday. I don't know if we put in warmer liners. Maybe Dawn would know if you call her". "Warmer liners?" I asked incredulously.  "I didn't ask for a warmer liner".   "Oh, people sometimes want warmer liners in their coats," he explained.  He sounded ditzy and was not presenting himself in a way that inspired confidence. "This lining is ripped and I want to replace it", I told him.  "A regular lining? We can do that," he said and proceeded to grab my coat and put it on a hanger. "It will be expensive," he stated. "It will cost $215 dollars."  "No thanks," I said, and left the store with my coat. I was so turned off by his poor presentation. He didn't listen, didn't ask a question, didn't look at the coat, and didn't seem to know what service was available. There was no way he was getting my business. People will pay more for value, but based on his presentation I didn't value him or his service. So I visited my local dry cleaner who had done some tailoring for me in the past. She looked at the coat, determined how much it would cost to purchase the material and the time to construct the lining  and gave me a price. It was a lot less. Done. She got my business.

Had the first vendor been a better communicator I might have done business with him. After all, I didn't know the standard cost of a lining. But because of his poor presentation he seemed dispassionate and uninformed.  I walked out.  He lost $215 in five minutes because of his presentation and he probably thinks the reason was strictly price. I've come to realize that I show people how to monetize their mouth. People gain and lose business opportunities every day because of how they present themselves. Speaking is the new competitive weapon.

What are your stories about the impact of presentation skills on business opportunities?

Get Your Message Across with Knockout Video Marketing

Video marketing is hot.  That's probably because most people are visual and nothing tells a story better than video.  I receive many requests for coaching and public speaking from my youtube channel. But videomarketing success depends on how well you present your message.An email  popped up in my inbox this morning. It was for an online template to make  the process of social media easier. I decided to give it a look and clicked on their  2 minute video. I watched the entire video because it kept my attention.

It started with a musical opening and company name. I usually look for the scroll button to fast forward during most introductions but this time I didn't. It was only 3 or 4 seconds long. The video spoke directly to the audience and didn't bore me with the usual company history and "why we're the greatest company since sliced bread" pitch. Instead, they dove right into the  customer's problem and the solution provided by their product.  The graphics in the demo were large and simple and the voiceover was energetic and moved quickly. The call to action was to sign up for the free service.  Your video presentation should tell a story from the listener's point of view, touch on the pain points, and quickly present a solution. End with a call to action and remove any barriers to entry by providing a free sample.  I haven't used this tool so I can't endorse it.  But I can tell you that this is a good example of a well produced video. What do think? Send me your favorite video marketing sites.

How to Give a Knockout Eulogy

On Saturday, September 3rd, we gathered together for the funeral of my cousin, Craig Gundersen who died at the age of 34 of lung cancer. He was not a smoker. His uncle Rich gave the eulogy. He began with the simple opening line, "For those of you who don't know me, I'm Rich, Craig's favorite uncle. " Everyone laughed.  With this one line Rich disarmed the crowd and put them at ease. Opening with humor broke the tension and enabled everyone to relax and listen. He addressed the other uncles in the room and with tongue- in -cheek told them that Craig was a diplomat and he really was the favorite uncle. Rich continued his eulogy with a series of personal stories extolling Craig's virtues and shortcomings. He spoke of the time when Craig asked him to finance his first year in college. (He had missed the deadline for applying for financial aid). Rich acknowledged that Craig built a good case but during his presentation,  Rich's attention was riveted on a white bandage on Craig's arm. He explained his fascination with the bandage. "I knew he had dropped a deuce to pay for that tatoo, and here he was asking me for money." Again there was laughter in the church.  It was his colorful language Craig with his father, Roy

(dropped a deuce instead of paid 200 dollars) that made it funny. Rich gave him the money. When Craig's grades dropped Rich confided that in any other case that would have been a deal breaker. But because Craig was such a special person, he financed him against his own rules. Several times Rich got choked up but was able to pull it together and continue. Showing emotion only makes the speaker more human and gives the audience permission to feel their feelings.  Unlike some eulogies where a villain suddenly transforms into a superhero, Rich painted a balanced picture of Craig.  Rather than a perfect person on a pedestal, he spoke of the real person-a special, loving, happy guy who was also human.  We got a true glimpse of who Craig really was through the words of his uncle. He acknowledged the parents and Craig's fiancee and how much they meant to Craig. When Rich finished his eulogy the congregation was so moved they burst into applause.  He captured the essence of Craig, the life he led, the lives he touched and spoke to us from his heart and with humor. It was a winning formula for any knockout presentation.

We miss you, Craig. 7/2/1977-8/30/2011

Maximize Your One-to-One Communication

One-on-one conversations happen more frequently than any other kind of communication. One of the biggest mistakes people make when speaking one-to-one, is not treating it as a presentation.  While people prepare extensively for group presentations, when it comes to one-to-one, they wing it. Even the most casual conversation benefits from preparation. An effective tool for one-on-one communication is the DiSC Personal Profile System. DiSC helps you to understand your communication style and recognize the communication styles of others so that you can get the results you want. Contact us for a FREE sample report.

Here's an excerpt from Knockout Presentations about one-to-one communication.

Speaking to an individual is different from the group experience. Whether you're training someone, selling, coaching, or asking for a raise, here are some tips for speaking one-to-one.

  • Eliminate distractions. Choose a comfortable setting-perhaps your office or a conference room with good lighting. Block off distracting window views and minimize interruptions. Clear the table of clutter.
  • Sit next to the person at eye level. Sit side by side rather than across a desk from each other. This has psychological and physical effects. It creates a feeling of being on the same side and allows both people to look at materials from the same perspective.
  • Maintain good eye contact but don't stare. In a group, you make eye contact with everyone. With individuals, you don't want to lock eyes. Break eye contact from time to time. A good guide is to look at the person 70% of the time.
  • Use visual aids. Props, pictures, and objects can serve as effective visual aids. Visuals are important learning tools, and you shouldn't overlook them in a one-to-one situation. Be sure your visuals are appropriate to the situation. A few carefully placed props and occasional use of a table easel can enhance your presentation.
  • Clarify but don't repeat questions. In a large group, you repeat the question so that everyone can hear it. But in one-to-one settings, the same technique would be silly. You may ask for clarification: "Are you saying that you need more practice?" Or you may restate the question in your answer: "The procedure for this project is..."
  • Maintain a comfortable physical distance. Don't invade the other person's space. When sitting side by side, don't lean in or take over the person's materials. Ask permission to demonstrate with or alter their materials.
  • Pause. The brain needs a few seconds to process information. Don't overload the learner with too much data. Pause between thoughts to let the information sink in.
  • Use smaller gestures. Show enthusiasm and get involved with the learner. Allow yourself to be natural and expressive. But contain your gestures, because the physical space is smaller in one-to-one situations. Wide, sweeping movements will seem out of place.
  • Prepare and organize. It's easy to lose track of time when you're working with only one person. Whether you train one person or a hundred, the preparation is the same. Without adequate preparation, you'll seem disorganized and unprofessional. Prepare an outline and establish time frames.
  • Watch for nonverbal cues. In a group, different personalities react in diverse ways. Someone in the group will often say what others are thinking. In a one-to-one situation, however, the person may feel reluctant to tell you that he or she needs a break or doesn't understand. Watch for body language and continually check back: "You look like you disagree." "Are you ready for a break?" "Is this something you can use on the job?"

Whether you're speaking to one person or a thousand, communication happens one- to- one.  It's all public speaking.

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