Co-moderating a virtual panel can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be! Imagine having the power to keep your audience engaged from start to finish, while seamlessly communicating with your co-moderator. With these 7 expert tips, you can do just that!
Stop Self-Censoring
10 Tips to Give a Knockout Video Presentation
Get Real: Do you Speak Like a Human?
How to Succeed in a Fireside Chat
The One Speaking Mistake TV Presenters Make That Radio Presenters Don't
My mouth was watering. I was listening to a major network television broadcast. They were interviewing a restaurant owner and he was describing a delicious recipe. They talked about his menu, his background, and of course they all sampled the tasty dish. So far so good. They captured and kept my attention. Wouldn’t you want to go to a restaurant with such good food? There was only one problem. They ended the interview without mentioning the chef’s name, the name of the restaurant or the location. How frustrating! A lost opportunity for the restaurant and for me. It’s happened too many times to be a coincidence. If you don’t catch the opening line at the very beginning of the interview you won’t know who they’re talking about.
I can tell you this rarely happens on radio interviews. As a podcast and radio Interviewer, the host is trained to promote the guest. They’ll often mention the name of my book in the introduction. They’ll end by mentioning the book again, asking where people can buy it and how they can find the website.
A good presentation has a beginning, a middle, and an end. When coaching my clients I often find that the weakest part is often the end. Many public speakers leave off the conclusion. They’ll end with their last point or they’ll say “That’s it.” And the presentation ends with a thud, like a lead balloon. The purpose of the conclusion is to complete the presentation and tie it all together.
A good conclusion recaps the main points. Consider that some people may miss the beginning points. A good public speaker will be sure that the audience leaves remembering the main message. And the really skilled speaker will tell the audience the next step. It could be an upsell or food for thought (no pun intended). But they’ll tell the listeners how to continue to connect with the speaker and learn more.
So take a public speaking lesson from the radio interviewers. End with the key points and tell them who, what and where. And that’s a wrap.
4 Ways to Melt Away Fear
How to Reel in your Audience When They’re Slipping Away.
7 Steps to Be a Knockout Podcast Guest
7 Tips for Getting Back to In-Person Meetings
Are In-Person meetings here to stay? They’re coming back, but I believe we’ll be a hybrid world. So smile and have fun. Brush up on your in-person public speaking skills. There’s no greater energy than speaking in front of a live audience. Give them an opportunity to laugh and enjoy the ride.
3 Mistakes That Derail Your Elevator Speech
If you’re a networker you’re going to give an elevator speech. The name comes from the idea that if you got into an elevator and your ideal decision maker was there, you would have about 30 seconds to introduce yourself before arriving at the next floor. Too often business owners show up without preparing for a networking meeting. If you’ve ever scratched your head with confusion after hearing an introduction, that presenter was unprepared. Three common elevator pitch mistakes are:
1. Too long
2. Not clear
3. All about them
Nobody wants to listen to a person drone on for three minutes when there’s a roomful of people. Save that for one-on-one meetings and get to the point. Prepare a 15-second, 30-second- and one minute version. Then take your cue from the facilitator. Even more effective, is to have a one sentence elevator pitch. Some one-liners include: I help speakers book more business. I help companies sell more in less time. I work with people who want to start a business and grow a business.
If your message is unclear, you will not attract prospects. People won’t refer you and you won’t be memorable. Brevity enhances clarity. Don’t mention everything you do. Keep the message high level. Start with one stand alone sentence. Then add more details. Test it with people you don’t know and then ask them to explain what you do. You may be surprised by the feedback. An elevator speech is a presentation. As a public speaker, be clear, be brief and be listener-centered.
To learn how to Speak Confidently and Effectively check out my LinkedIn learning course. It ranked #5 on the Top 20 Most Popular courses.
To learn techniques to overcome fear of speaking, read chapter 3 of Knockout Presentations.
To work with me contact DiResta Communications, Inc.
#publicspeaking #elevatorspeech
10 Tips to Speak with a Teleprompter
4 Reasons You're Not a Good Communicator
What to Do When Your Presentation Bombs
Is Public Speaking Like Eating Peas?
When I was a child, I didn’t like eating peas. I would sit at the dinner table and push them around on my plate. Then, I’d spear one pea with my fork and gulp it down like bitter medicine. My grandfather observing this avoidance ritual suggested I mix my peas in my mashed potatoes so I wouldn’t taste them. It worked! I started mixing peas and mashed potatoes at dinner. I still didn’t like peas but he made them more palatable.
And this is the case for many people. They avoid public speaking because they don’t like it. I would have been okay if I didn’t have peas in my diet. But for professionals and leaders, avoiding public speaking is career suicide. Consider the second year law student I coached who was going to drop out of law school because she was afraid of speaking in class. After coaching her she learned to mix the right mindset with the right skill set. Imagine if she had dropped out of law school because of public speaking fear.
Today she’s a lawyer and giving effective presentations. She found the right mix.
Consider the middle manager who avoided speaking at meetings. Her throat would tighten up causing her to clam up and not participate. The quickest way to become invisible in an organization is by not participating. The effect is not having a voice in meetings. The common perception is if you remain silent you don’t know anything. This can result in forfeiting promotions and being overlooked for high visibility projects or leadership opportunities. I coached her to reduce vocal tension. She learned how to work her mind and her body so that the words wouldn’t stick in her throat.
Today, she has a new job at a higher level. And she’s speaking with ease.
An entrepreneur was successful in her business and enjoyed being a podcast host. She confided in me that she would love to speak on large stages but because of an auditory processing problem she couldn’t give speeches. She was not able to remember the sequence of ideas and words no matter how many times she practiced. She had so much to offer an audience but had given up on ever being on a big stage. This disability was her peas. She needed to find the mashed potatoes to overcome the limitation. I convinced her that she could speak on large stages. She could share her ideas. But the medium would be different. Instead of delivering a speech which would stress her out and leave her searching for words, she could give a fireside chat. By putting two chairs on the stage, the interviewer could ask her questions allowing her to tell her story, share her wisdom, and inspire the audience. She was brilliant in conversation and on podcasts. A fireside chat would not require memorization and would showcase her brilliance.
She was excited to find the right mix that would allow her to reach more people and change more lives.
Today I like sweet peas. I’ve acquired a taste for them but it took time. For some people, public speaking is an acquired taste. As they gain confidence and mastery, they begin to enjoy giving presentations. For others, they may never like speaking. But by combining the right mental attitude and skill set they can certainly make it more palatable.
To learn how to Speak Confidently and Effectively check out my LinkedIn learning course. It ranked #5 on the Top 20 Most Popular courses.
To learn techniques to overcome fear of speaking, read chapter 3 of Knockout Presentations.
To work with me contact DiResta Communications, Inc.
Why Not Making Eye Contact May Be a Good Thing
3 Ways Guaranteed to Lose an Audience in 10 Minutes
Press Release: Diane DiResta and Pete Mockaitis’ course ranks in the Top 20 Most Popular Courses on LinkedIn.
Speaking Confidently and Effectively, a LinkedIn learning audio course by Pete Mockaitis and Diane DiResta made the Top 20 Most Popular Courses on LinkedIn. The course is hosted by Podcaster and Consultant, Pete Mockaitis and communications expert Diane DiResta, CSP, and author of Knockout Presentations.
7 Tips When Speaking Internationally
September is International Speak Out Month. It reminded me of my International speaking experience and the important lessons I learned. Here are 7 tips to set you up for success when speaking internationally.
1. Study the culture- Your presentation begins long before you step on a stage or begin to speak. How do people greet each other? In some European countries they kiss both cheeks. In Japan, the greeting is the bow. What is the tradition for gift giving? Are they a low context or high context culture? This will inform you about the level of formality that’s expected as well as how to treat authority.
2. Meet the translator-Will you receive simultaneous translation or consecutive translation? If it’s the latter, you will need to pause after each sentence or two, while the interpreter translates. Where did the translator learn English? There’s a difference between British and American English. Be sure to define terms and explain your speech to the translator so that it is communicated with the right intent and clarity.
3. Speak slowly-When you’re in a different country, YOU are the one with the accent. Even if it’s an English speaking audience they will probably need time to translate in their heads. Speaking slowly will allow the listeners time to process what you are saying.
4. Manage body language-You can easily offend an audience before you even open your mouth. The same gesture can mean different things. The A-0k sign with the thumb and index finger touching with the 3 fingers extended is an obscenity in Brazil. Even the nod or shake of your head can have a different meaning. Practice with the gestures you’ll use in your speech with a native from the country where you’ll speak.
5. Speak the Native Language-Nothing is more endearing and caring than to speak in the native tongue. When I spoke in Africa, I gave my greeting in Kiswahili-”Hello. I’m happy to be here” I was surprised when the audience broke into applause.
6. Avoid humor-Humor rarely translates across cultures even if you’re a comedian.
7. Learn their idioms- I leaned this the hard way when I was speaking to a British audience. I would use an innocuous term such as “on the job” and I would hear snickering. It meant something else in England. A sweater is called a jumper, gasoline is petrol, a truck is a lorry, a TV is a telly.
Mistakes will happen. But with a little research, planning and practice you can speak anywhere in the world and give knockout presentations.
My presentations, training , coaching and books are available virtually. It’s easy to find me to discuss your needs. Email DM me at twitter @speakingpro. Or call: 917 803-8663